
Learn about your style

About Your Style


You love timeless design that incorporate elements from different styles, with a focus on creating comfortable yet elegant spaces. There is a focus on warm and organic materials, blending together sophisticated and contemporary pieces with more comfortable and relaxed elements. You want your space to feel inviting and a place where you can put your feet up but also entertain your friends and family. 

Check out our portfolio

We have furnished hundreds of homes and offices across the USA and Canada. From small studios to large homes, we work with homeowners, tenants and investors to create homes that are beautiful and functional. Most importantly, the entire space is furnished in one day.

Modern Design Package (C)
Design Package Example
"Amazing! Looks great and removes the work of picking furniture + saving! I hope I don't have to move again but if I do would highly recommend!"
Hilary Google Reviewer
Expat | Toronto, Ontario Canada