Can Furniture Spark Joy? 5 Tips for Furnishing, Kondo-Style

Do you wake up in the morning and feel a thrill of gratitude and joy from looking at your nightstand? When was the last time you touched your couch and sighed happily? “Spark joy” comes from the Marie Kondo process, a home organizational method about the “life-changing magic of tidying up.”

Her basic principle is that you physically touch each of your belongings. If an item sparks joy then you may keep it, but if it doesn’t, then you must thank it for its service and pass it along.

We’re gonna take a wild guess and say most of your furniture probably does not spark joy. But you’re not alone.

Younger people are more likely to be world travelers, paying off student loans, and renting long-term. This means that we have had to think about furniture quite differently from previous generations. We often furnish our homes according to functionality, affordability, and style (and in that order).

Now, while we totally believe in affordable and useful furniture, we just don’t believe that it has to come at the expense of style. Or being environmentally friendly.

Here are five ways to spark joy with your furniture, Kondo-style.


Nothing takes the joy out of furniture like a chip, tear, or broken joint. So when you find a furniture style that sparks joy, go for high-quality, durable pieces. This way, your furniture won’t fall apart easily with use and it won’t break when you move to a new place.

spacious living room


One of Kondo’s often overlooked (but excellent!) organizing tips is to make stuff easier to put items away than to get out. If we apply this to furniture, that means ottomans with storage, closets with built-in spaces, and beds and desks with enough storage to contain all your belongings easily.


Less can be more, with the right furniture and the right perspective. We often use several pieces of furniture to try to compensate for what we really need, like several chairs when a couch would do. This leads to clutter and mismatched styles. By investing in one good piece of high-quality, multipurpose furniture, rather than a collection of lesser quality ones, you can spark joy by creating a stylish and welcoming space.

minimalist bedroom with low bed and large painting of a face


The easiest way to spark joy is to have things around you that you find beautiful! Furniture is easy to overlook in this process. Maybe you have even had some furniture for years, or you look for used or IKEA furniture to save some money. Try looking at it this way. Yes, getting stylish new furniture is a financial investment, but it is also an investment in your happiness. So actually, furniture is one of the easiest long-term ways to spark joy in your home.


The worst parts of furniture are finding it and transporting it. Hunting for a good deal and evaluating different styles and measurements do not spark joy for most people. A comprehensive furnishing company is a solution you may not know about. It sounds expensive, but it actually doesn’t cost much more than the furniture itself. That’s because companies have relationship with designers and distributors, and thus can procure lower prices for you.

can furniture spark joy? A woman sits on a tufted traditional couch and looks out the window

Some people find joy in themselves for being environmentally conscious. Take a look at our tips to make your home more environmentally friendly.

If you like these tips, you might want to spark joy by working with a comprehensive furnishing company. How does it work? You’d start by talking with a designer to select a style. Next, they take the measurements of your space, and then they deliver (and set up!) your furniture for you. Some places like Furnishr even do it all in just one day.

Call us if you’d like to explore a comprehensive furnishing option. We promise to only bring you the most stylish, high-quality pieces, in a style you love. You can also start by submitting a design request.

Furniture doesn’t have to be stressful. In fact, if you do it right, furniture can spark joy!

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