Moving Checklist: 6 Ways to Handle a Cross-Country Move

You’re about to move across the country! And with our help, you’re gonna handle this like a boss. You got this.

Here are our Furnishr’s top six tips for an easy, breezy, beautiful moving process.

1. Ignore unhelpful backseat drivers.

This is your time, your move! Your mom and your best friend may have their own opinions, but it’s time for you to step into the driver’s seat. You need to decide which apartment to rent, which movers to hire, and which items to keep and which to toss. These are important decisions that can make or break your transition into your new home! Ease the transition into your new home and have some faith in yourself. After all, it’s you that has to live with the decisions.

2. Get multiple quotes.

a person sits with a planner and pencil in their lap planning a move

You know what bosses do? They ask for the best deal. Bosses shop around. And they stay organized. But if you’re going to handle this move like a boss, you should anticipate some tough decisions. Sometimes the cheapest option isn’t the best option. Do a cost-benefit analysis and ask future-you what she wants. It might take you some time but it’ll be worth the hassle in the long run!

3. See if your company will cover some costs.

Many companies offer some kind of relocation package. Even if you weren’t offered this, it can’t hurt to ask. It shows the company that you value your time, and that you’re not afraid to speak up for yourself. Who knows, maybe they have a couple of hundred bucks to help cover a few boxes? Why not get a head-start on your new life and be the boss that you are!

4. Sort your stuff before you pack.

a blonde woman holds a cardboard moving box in front of a yellow wall

Now is the time to Marie Kondo your possessions. Don’t waste energy schlepping stuff that doesn’t make you happy. If you’re making an epic move, it’s probably for a really cool reason. You’re chasing your dreams, and that’s awesome! So take the time to sort your things out before you go. Everybody loves a “take my stuff” party. Oh, and don’t forget to bring sharpies.

5. Plan your future space.

Knowing where you’ll be living is a huge stress-reliever. No one wants to land in a new country with no sense of where to go. Take the time and imagine the best you that you can be, and design your new space accordingly. Pinterest can also be a great way to find the best design inspiration that suits your needs. This is not something you have to plan all by yourself. Feel free to ask a friend to help you plan your new pad.

If you really want to start fresh, use a company like Furnishr that takes your floorplans and completely furnishes your new space in a single day. But if you’re struggling with long-distance apartment hunting, here’s a pro tip. Look for a short-term sublet just to get your feet in the ground. In saturated real estate markets, this option gives you time to meet with landlords in person, even though moving twice sucks.

6. Take care of yourself when you get there.

a woman in shorts stands in a park

When you arrive, walk around as much as you can for the first few weeks. If you drive everywhere, you may struggle to get your orientation. Try to figure out where you’ll most likely be hanging out the most, like the local grocery or dive bar down the street. Don’t be discouraged if you’re feeling homesick! Remember that the discomfort you’re feeling is a totally normal part of reinventing yourself. If you’re really feeling down, don’t be hesitant to call up old friends or treat yourself to dinner if you need a boost. And remember that your friends miss you too. But once you get to know your new neighborhood, we promise you’ll feel right at home.

And that’s it!

If you manage to complete six of these steps while planning a cross-country move, then you are definitely a boss.

You’re headed for great things, and the future is looking up. You’re a boss, remember? If you need some help planning your new space, remember to call on your friends (Furnishr can help, too).

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