How to Make Your Airbnb Home More Cosy With Natural Elements

The world has become a fast-paced environment with a clear focus on efficiency, however, for most individuals, this can feel overwhelming. In order to escape the busy city-scape, working professionals are utilizing Airbnb to find their inner peace, by carving out a weekend to go away on a personal retreat.

Recent data shows that meditation and hiking activities are among the most trending Airbnb Experiences based on bookings, this year over last. Additionally, the Airbnb’s 2019 interior design trend predictions point to a similar trend toward nature and mindfulness, like Green Is the New Black and Stay-in-imalism.

We could all use more meditation in our lives. Whether you are thinking of redesigning your home or rental property, it’s easy to create a restful space that appeals to this category of guests. Here you will find 10 effective ways to make your space a haven for retreat-seekers.

Natural Element Décor Ideas

1. Aromatics

scented oil

Use aromatics like candles or essential oils to gently activate the senses. Remember that each guest will have a different sensory preference so you may wish to offer a basket of scented items rather than spritzing them yourself. Let your guests choose which scents to utilize. To set the tone, you could add a note about fragrances in your welcome letter.

2. Choose natural materials

for your furnishings, like wood and bamboo. Look for wooden tables, wooden spatulas, or small wood sculptures. Even a simple tray of pebbles can serve as an invitation for your retreating guest to breathe a bit deeper.

3. Plants

Plants around the room can make space feel fresh and calm. Any kind of greenery will clean the air and bring aesthetic interest to what could otherwise be a stuffy space. For those with a black thumb, even fake plants help give the appearance of a lively retreat haven. A small bouquet of fresh flowers can do the trick as well.

4. Books

Try to incorporate books on mindfulness along with the coffee table or bookshelves. When a guest spots that meditation book or collection of Buddhist poetry on the shelf, they might feel extra inspired to relax. 

5. Avoid appropriative decor.

As you look for items to create a more peaceful environment, it may seem counterintuitive to avoid deity statues or calligraphic illustrations. However, if you choose cultural items that are not from your culture, you run the risk of offending guests who are from that cultural background. It’s not a hard and fast rule. We live in a multicultural world, after all, and we can all appreciate items of beauty. Just remember that objects you find inspiring may have a completely different meaning for someone else.

6. Natural Lighting

midcentury classic lounge chair with plant

Incorporate natural lighting around t

he household wherever possible. This can be done by adding sheer curtains behind heavy curtains. Thi

s also gives your guests the option to enjoy natural light in priva

cy. Additionally, consider moving a chair or couch so it’s oriented towards the window. This way your guests will be drawn to sit under the natural light. 

7. Soft furnishings

Soft furnishings provide serious comfort to retreat-goers. High-pile rugs, throw blankets, and soft robes give that extra dose of physical luxury. By providing items that help your guest’s body and mind to relax.

8. Minimize Electronics

Minimize overbearing electronics and tuck away cords. If you have a big TV, buy a simple cabinet to hide the flat screen. Not only that, tuck less-used kitchen appliances into the cupboards and leave a note about how to find them. By keeping electronics and cords out of sight as much as possible, you make it easy for someone on a retreat to focus on their inner state.

9. Negative space

The trend towards minimalism is here to stay! Rather than arranging knick-knacks together on a shelf, you might try displaying just one or two items, leaving lots of space in between. Look over your space with an eye towards clutter. What do you have more than five of? Can you reduce it to three and still serve your guest?

10. Reduce visual stimulation.

Loud colors have an energizing effect – that’s why fast food restaurants tend to use bright primary colors in their decor. Be mindful where you place mirrors — too many mirrors can create visual noise for your guest. Please don’t force your guests to look at themselves in the mirror before they’ve had their morning matcha!

Zen Trend

bonsai tree on dining tableYou can trust that mindfulness is a growing trend among many demographics, no matter your location. Cities are still a major destination for Airbnb guests, with the most popular North American cities in 2018 being New York City, Orlando, and Miami. Airbnb also announced a growing trend towards “more rustic and non-traditional digs” like nature lodges and yurts. So, even if your space is not typically ‘zen’, it could still benefit your business to Incorporate zen principles.

After all, relaxation and well-being will never go out of style!

Download this checklist here, and zen your Airbnb today.

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